Factory Design and Economic Feasibility Test for Fast-release Fluoride Varnish with Antibacterial Agent Using Pharmaceutical Ampoule Packaging

Zahra Aqilla Fadjrie, Heri Hermansyah, Yosi Kusuma Eriwati

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


In Indonesia, about 93% of early childhood experience dental caries. One of the preventions of dental caries by using fluoride therapy. Fluoride therapy in the form of fluoride varnish has been shown to inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria. It can remineralize teeth with an effectiveness of up to 77%. Fluoride varnish in early childhood is expected to prevent dental caries. Currently, fluoride varnish has been developed, which has a fast-release capability. Fast-release fluoride varnish can release more fluoride ions within 4 hours. This research aims to design a factory of fast-release fluoride varnish products with an antibacterial agent using pharmaceutical ampoule packaging and analyze its economic feasibility. The fluoride varnish formulation consisted of hydrogenated rosin, 99.7% ethanol, sodium fluorine, tween 80, peppermint flavoring oil, DCPD-Xylitol, and extracts of natural antibacterial agents based on the results of previous studies. The antibacterial agents used were red betel leaf extract and holy basil leaf extract. Based on the production test, it was found that in the first 4 hours, fluoride varnish added with an antibacterial agent had more fluoride ion release than other fluoride varnishes. In this writing, the research process begins with the design of the production process and then continues with a pilot-scale production test. After that, an economic calculation is carried out to determine the feasibility of constructing a fluoride varnish factory. In this work, we present the process design and production test results, including a fluoride ion release test and pH of fast-release fluoride varnish, along with an analysis of its economic feasibility.

Original languageEnglish
Article number060002
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Mar 2024
Event15th Asian Congress on Biotechnology in conjunction with the 7th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, ACB-ISBE 2022 - Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 2 Oct 20226 Oct 2022


  • Caries
  • fast-release fluoride varnish
  • pharmaceutical ampoule
  • production plant design


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