Factors associated with time of diagnosis and habilitation of congenital hearing loss in Indonesia: A multicenter study

Semiramis Zizlavsky, Natasha Supartono, Indra Zachreini, Jenny Bashiruddin, Tengku Siti Hajar Haryuna, Eka Savitri, Susyana Tamin, Harim Priyono, Respati W. Ranakusuma, Sagung Rai Indrasari, Tjandra Manukbua, Juliandi Harahap, Widayat Alviandi, Nyilo Purnami, Dina Alia, Nirza Warto, Abla Ghanie, Ahmad Hifni, Ratna Anggraeni, Lina LasminingrumWijana Wijana, Muyassaroh, Ashadi Prasetyo, Mahatma Bawono, Dyah Indrasworo, Suardana Suardana, Eka Putra Setiawan, Putu Dian Ariyanti Putri, Komang Andi Dwi Saputra, I. Made Lely Rahayu, I. Made Wiranadha, Steward Kennedy Mengko, Augustien Yuliet Tamus, Hidayatul Fitria, Benny Hidayat, Muslim Kasim, Heditya Damayanti, Gustav Syukrinto, Novi Primadewi, Arief Purnanta, Arman Amar, Eva Nurfarihah, Ika Dewi Mayangsari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Objectives: To investigate factors associated with time of diagnosis and habilitation of congenital hearing loss in Indonesia. Method: A retrospective cohort study was conducted from January to December 2020 by collecting data on patients with congenital hearing loss using validated questionnaires. Result: Among 535 children with congenital hearing loss, 2.7% had a family history of congenital hearing loss, 11.2% and 37.4% had a maternal history of ototoxic drugs and herbal medicine use during pregnancy, respectively, and 17.8% had prenatal exposure to TORCH infection. Lower maternal education level was shown to be associated with older age at diagnosis (p = 0.045), while older maternal age (p < 0.001), non-housewife mothers (p = 0.029), and out-of-pocket payment scheme (p = 0.027) were associated with a higher rate of habilitation. Conclusion: The present study showed that the presence of family history, the use of certain medications during pregnancy, and prenatal TORCH infection are prevalent in children with congenital hearing loss in Indonesia. Several factors such as maternal education level, age, occupation, and habilitation payment scheme may be associated with time of diagnosis and habilitation of congenital hearing loss.

Original languageEnglish
Article number111369
JournalInternational Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


  • Congenital hearing loss
  • Habilitation
  • Hearing screening


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