Facile preparation of MXene and protonated-g-C3N4 on natural latex foam for highly efficient solar steam generation

Riski Titian Ginting, Hairus Abdullah, Vivi Fauzia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Citations (Scopus)


Herein, low-cost and facile preparation of solar steam generator based on PVA/MXene and protonated g-C3N4 coated on natural latex foam (LF) was reported. The as-prepared photothermal evaporator demonstrates excellent light absorption of 93% and hydrophilic surface due to PVA/MXene and p-g-C3N4 coating. As a result, the PVA/MXene and p-g-C3N4 delivers a water evaporation rate of 1.85 kg m−2h−1 and solar steam efficiency of 93.5% were achieved under 1 kW cm−2, and surpassed the most recently reported on MXene and LF-based evaporators. This study provides an alternative approach to enhance solar water evaporation performance and promising for drinkable water and applicable for industrial wastewater treatment.

Original languageEnglish
Article number131779
JournalMaterials Letters
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2022


  • g-CN
  • MXene
  • Natural latex foam
  • Photothermal
  • Solar steam generation


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