Eye-to-hand approach on eye-in-hand configuration within real-time visual servoing

Abdul Muis, Kouhei Ohnishi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


Hand-eye relation in visual servoing involves eye-in-hand and eye-to-hand configuration. Both have its own merit and drawback regarding to its precision and sight range. This paper addresses this problem and introduces the camera utilization as eye-to-hand configuration for the second robot, while it retains as eye-in-hand for the first robot. Hence, the camera becomes mobile and provides more precision and more global sight of scene. Moreover, this paper also addresses the real-time constraints within real-time vision system and real-time data exchange due to different processing units for robot and vision system. Here, a pattern design and simplified image processing are considered. This paper considers a 3D visual servoing within dynamic look and move scheme based on object pose. The system performance is validated by the experimental result.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventProceedings - 8th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC'04 - Kawasaki, Japan
Duration: 25 Mar 200428 Mar 2004


ConferenceProceedings - 8th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC'04


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