Expression of Prosperity through Tuwuhan Sarakit in the phrase Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi, Tata Tentrem Kerta Raharja

Nanny Sri Lestari

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


New communication situations produce a society different from the past. Nowadays, everyone is asking whether the current society really inherits the dreams of their parents or their ancestors? This question is intriguing to various parties. Dreams of prosperity, prosperity and happiness are part of people's lives. This dream is inherited from parents to their children and grandchildren, in one family. The family itself is part of the community. In society all parents must pass on the dream from generation to generation. One of the many dreams of the Javanese community is that there is an interesting phrase gemah ripah loh jinawi, tata tentrem kerta raharja. This expression gives an idea of the dreams of prosperity, prosperity and happiness in every family of Javanese society. As part of the community, which lives from the agricultural world, this condition can be seen from the green rice fields on the island of Java. Green rice fields, affecting people's lifestyles in Java. . People see the beauty of rice crops and other crops, as a gift of God to be grateful, so that the expression of happiness, which is addressed to God and bequeathed to the descendants of the people in Java. People in Java, seeing the beauty of rice crops and any other agricultural crops, to be grateful as a gift of God, so that the expression of happiness that is addressed to God and bequeathed to the children of the people in Java. Forming the expression, to the dream of prosperity is the installation tuwuhan sarakit in front of the entrance of the house, when a family has a wedding celebration of his son. Tuwuhan sarakit regarded as the expression of dreams. Tuwuhan sarakit, regarded as a symbol of hope, so that in the life of the couple can achieve prosperity as in the expression. The purpose of this research, is to explore the cultural heritage of society, which is almost forgotten by the current generation, due to the hustle and bustle of modern weddings, in the present day. Therefore, this paper will be based on, some approaches to cultural texts, which argue that, the thinking of society is a cultural monument (Marcel Danesi-2010, Koentjaraningrat-1984 and van Peursen2013). As an object of cultural monuments, this research, more pressing on, a series of meanings and interpretations, to the thinking and viewpoint of society, which is faced with the challenges of the era. In the end, it must be realized that, in order to understand a cultural monument, the thoughts and perspectives of society, can be conveyed through various symbols, which are created by society itself. In this case, the Javanese philosophy is the main key.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventThe International Tri Matra: Exploring and Identifying the dynamics and its challenges and cultural transformation - ID, Surakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2018 → …


ConferenceThe International Tri Matra: Exploring and Identifying the dynamics and its challenges and cultural transformation
Period1/01/18 → …


  • Culture, interpretation, prosperity, thought, symbol.


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