Exploring linkages between food security and economic growth: a Systematic mapping literature review

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Food security can be achieved by being carried out simultaneously alongside the economy's growth at the macro level. While many countries worldwide carry out economic growth policies to improve food security, the causal relationship between economic growth and food security is still debated. This study uses a systematic mapping review to analyze the relationship between food security (FS) and economic growth (EG) using a systematic mapping review. There are 26 previous research results from 780 articles obtained. Database from google scholar, ScienceDirect, Elsevier, and JSTOR with a limited date range on published information from 2004-2021. The result shows an empirical gap in the relationship between FS dan EG with 76.92% supporting the correlative relationship between FS and EG, while the other 19.23% claimed that there is no correlation, and 3.85% (one study) explored the relationship between EG and FI (Food Insecurity). Furthermore, 11 studies explained that EG has a positive effect on FS; one study stated that it has a negative impact, and another one hurts Food insecurity. Meanwhile, seven studies revealed that FS has a positive effect on economic growth, one study on the contrary, and two studies explained it has no effect. Availability and GDP per Capita variables were mainly used in describing the relationship between FS and EG.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)206-218
Number of pages13
JournalPotravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Economic Growth
  • Empirical Gap
  • Food Security
  • Systematic Literature Review


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