Experts' selection in the application of fuzzy fault tree analysis to evaluate an RSG - GAS primary cooling system

Anggraini Ratih Kumaraningrum, Heri Hermansyah, Julwan Hendry Purba

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Reliability data are very important for probabilistic safety assessment by fault tree analysis. Due to the limitations of historical failure data of the system being evaluated, generic data have been occupied. However, generic data comes with uncertainties and, hence, cannot represent its real performance. To overcome this limitation, fuzzy probability has been integrated into conventional fault tree analysis to evaluate the performance of nuclear reactors' safety systems. In fuzzy fault tree analysis, the qualitative judgments of experts are collected to assess the failure possibility of basic events. Furthermore, the membership functions of fuzzy numbers are used to convert those qualitative judgments into quantitative data. The assessment made by experts is a subjective judgment. Each expert has varying levels of expertise, so assessment of the same basic event will provide different judgments. The experts who are involved in the assessment process should be selected properly, because expert judgment is very influential on the final outcome of analysis. This study proposes a four stage expert selection process. Through the implementation of the proposed approach, five groups of experts has been selected. The five groups consisted of (1) head of division (reactor maintenance division, reactor operation division, and occupational and operation safety division); (2) head of subdivision (mechanical system subdivision, electrical system subdivision, instrumentation and control subdivision, operation reactor subdivision, and operation safety subdivision); (3) supervisor of reactor and supervisor of maintenance; (4) operator of reactor and maintenance technician; (5) radiation protection officer and staff of operation safety subdivision.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication8th Annual Basic Science International Conference
Subtitle of host publicationCoverage of Basic Sciences toward the World's Sustainability Challenges
EditorsCorina Karim, Rodliyati Azrianingsih, Mauludi Ariesto Pamungkas, Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, Anna Safitri
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735417397
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2018
Event8th Annual Basic Science International Conference: Coverage of Basic Sciences toward the World's Sustainability Challanges, BaSIC 2018 - Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 6 Mar 20187 Mar 2018

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


Conference8th Annual Basic Science International Conference: Coverage of Basic Sciences toward the World's Sustainability Challanges, BaSIC 2018
CityMalang, East Java


  • expert selection
  • fuzzy fault tree analysis
  • primary cooling system
  • probabilistic safety assessment
  • research reactor


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