Experimental investigation and performance evaluation of Samanea saman leaves and twigs gasification from urban residential garden waste as alternative future energy

Nina Konitat Supriatna, Prima Zuldian, Aminuddin, Ibrahim Purawiardi, Nabila Aprianti, Yohanes Gunawan, Oni Fariza, Alfonsus Agus Raksodewanto, Rizal Alamsyah, M. Hasanuzzaman, Adi Surjosatyo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Urban residential garden waste offers a valuable biomass resource, but its energy potential is often underutilized. This research investigates the gasification potential of Samanea saman leaves and twig pellets for energy production. Gasification experiments were conducted using a fixed-bed updraft gasifier with air as the gasifying medium. Experiments covered equivalent ratios (ER) ranging from 0.185 to 0.314 and temperatures ranging from 500 °C to 816 °C. Gas composition, energy yield, tar content, and biomass and char morphology were evaluated. The gasification of S. saman pellets yielded syngas with hydrogen content between 7.00 % and 7.40 % vol, indicating good energy potential. Twig pellets demonstrated higher carbon conversion efficiency (65.0 % to 70.6 %) and cold gas efficiency (26.5 % to 30.3 %) compared to leaf pellets. This exploration highlights the potential of S. saman gasification for effective urban garden waste management and renewable energy generation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101950
JournalBioresource Technology Reports
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


  • Char
  • Garden waste
  • Gasification
  • Pelletized biomass
  • Syngas
  • Tar


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