Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste management and wastewater treatment in the Nizam Zachman Fishery Port, Jakarta, Indonesia

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Nizam Zachman is a modern fishery port located in Muara Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia. Some of its facilities include a temporary collection of solid waste and wastewater treatment plants, emitting greenhouse gases that lead us to climate change by warming up the global temperature. In this study, greenhouse gas emissions are estimated from these two facilities by using the IPCC Tier 1 method and emission factor calculation. By estimating greenhouse gas in this area, it will give knowledge and convicing to make greenport as a consideration of the strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emission, starting from waste and wastewater management. Solid waste treatment comprises open dumping, recycling, and transportation of wastes to the temporary landfill in this area. With a total waste of 5, 411.4 tons/year, greenhouse gas emissions from open dumping and transportation are estimated to be 14, 340.2 and 22.3 tons CO2eq/year, respectively. Meanwhile, recycling activities contribute to 143 tons CO2 eq/year of greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the estimated greenhouse gas emissions include emissions from wastewater treatment, discharge of industrial wastewater to waterways via the drainage system, and domestic wastewater treatment by using a septic tank. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment, drainage system, and septic tanks are estimated to be 2, 830; 108.7; and 3.2 tons CO2 eq/year, respectively. Based on the estimation, solid waste treatment generates 83% of the total greenhouse gas emissions, while wastewater treatment generates only 17% of the total emissions. Herein, composting, increase of recycling, and utilization of methane are recommended to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from waste management.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012039
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jan 2020
Event4th International Conference on Climate Change 2019, ICCC 2019 - Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 18 Nov 201919 Nov 2019


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