Enzymatic synthesis of glycerol ester hydrolyzed coconut oil fatty acid and lauric acid as emulsifier and antimicrobial compound

K. Sangadah, S. Handayani, S. Setiasih, S. Hudiyono

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Mono and diglycerol fatty acids esters have an activity as nonionic emulsifiers. In this study, mono and diglycerol-coconut oil fatty acid or lauric acid ester were enzymatically synthesized using Candida rugosa lipase EC. The optimum reaction condition was carried out by using mole ratio variations of fatty acids to glycerol at 1:4 and gave the highest conversion percentage of about 61 % for glycerol-lauric acid ester and 55% for glycerol coconut oil fatty acid ester. The product identification using FT-IR showed the absorption peak of C=O ester at wave number 1748 cm-1 for both glycerol-lauric acid and glycerol-coconut oil fatty acid esters. Based on simple emulsion test, both types of ester have the activity as emulsifiers for water-in-oil emulsion type and remains stable for up to 24 hours. The antimicrobial activity assay using disc diffusion method against bacteria Propionibacterium acne and Staphylococcus epidermidis showed that glycerol-laurate ester has a stronger activity than glycerol-coconut oil fatty acid esters. At the same concentration, glycerol-coconut oil fatty acid esters showed a medium activity against Proponibacterium acne and weak antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus epidermidis.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences 2017, ISCPMS 2017
EditorsRatna Yuniati, Terry Mart, Ivandini T. Anggraningrum, Djoko Triyono, Kiki A. Sugeng
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735417410
Publication statusPublished - 22 Oct 2018
Event3rd International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences 2017, ISCPMS 2017 - Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 26 Jul 201727 Jul 2017

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


Conference3rd International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences 2017, ISCPMS 2017


  • Synthesis
  • antimicrobial
  • coconut fatty acid
  • emulsifier
  • glycerol fatty acid esters
  • lauric acid
  • lipase


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