Endo Perio Lesion Management on Patient with Aggressive Periodontitis

Herlis Rahdewati, Dimas Ilham Hutomo, Sri Lelyati, Chaidar Masulili, Yuniarti Soeroso

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Background: Aggressive periodontitis usualy affects young indlividuals. People who suffered from aggressive periodontitis has poor antbody response to the periodontal pathogen. Aggressive periodontitis characteristic has progressive aveolar bone loss Periodontitis has the potential to necrotized the pulp since there are many line connecting pulp and periodontal tissue, creating endo perio lesion. Endo perio lesion management needs coordination between endodontic and periodontal therapy. Objective: To evaluate endo perio lesion management on pationt with aggressive periodontitis. Case Report:two patients with aggressive periodontitis complaint about mobility of the tooth and swelling of the gingiva. Clinical examination: Good oral hygiene, age abou 30, free caries, and the tooth was non vital. Radiograph examination: bone loss undi 13 apical Periodontal therapy, initial therapy and surgery therapy, Initial therapy was scaling and root planing, occlusal adjustment with selective grinding, wire splinting, and continue with endodontic treatment and open flap debridement Result Clinical and radiograph evaluation three months after surgery show healing on gingiva and periodontal regeneration. Conclusion: Getting the right diagnosis and treatment planning is important in determining the succes of the treatment, especialy patient with aggresive periodonbitis
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventThe 3rd Periodontic Seminar - ID, Surabaya, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2017 → …


ConferenceThe 3rd Periodontic Seminar
Period1/01/17 → …


  • Aggressive periodontitis, endo perio lession, open flap debridement


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