Effects of the duration of breastfeeding and partner support for breastfeeding mothers on the nutritional status of infants aged 0-6 months

Dwi Kartika Yunita, Tri Budiati

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is influenced by several things, including the mother’s motivation and supporting factors such as husband’ support. Exclusive breastfeeding and duration of breastfeeding may relate to nutritional status of infants considering the effects that malnutrition may have. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects the duration of breastfeeding and partner support for breastfeeding mothers on the nutritional status of infants aged 0-6 months in the village of Tanjung Pauh, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Design and Methods: This study used a quantitative study in which a cross-sectional method. Data collection was carried out using an online questionnaire distributed to the 76 breastfeeding mothers were conducted by consecutive sampling at Tanjung Pauh. Chi-square test analysis was used to determine the association between the duration of breastfeeding and partner support with the nutritional status of infants. Results: There was not a significant relationship found between the duration of breastfeeding p=0.216, á=0.05, p>α), and partner support for breastfeeding mothers with the nutritional status of infants aged 0-6 months in the village of Tanjung Pauh, West Sumatera (p=0.100, á=0.05, p>α). Conclusions: In Tanjung Pauh, partner support is not a factor that affects the nutritional status of infants aged 0-6 months, which may be due to the positive attitude of breastfeeding mothers toward fulfilling their babies’ nutritional requirements so as to achieve a normal nutritional status.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2400
JournalJournal of Public Health Research
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Duration of breastfeeding
  • Fathers’ support
  • Nutritional status of infants aged 0-6 months


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