Effect of fibre stacking orientation on the mechanical and thermal properties of laminated kenaf fibre/epoxy composites

Arini Shafia Afkari, Ariadne L. Juwono, Seto Roseno

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Natural fibre-reinforced composites have been developed by researchers and industries as a solution to reduce the use of synthetic fibres. Kenaf fibre is one of the most abundant natural fibres in Indonesia. This study aimed to obtain the mechanical and thermal properties of kenaf fibre-reinforced epoxy laminated composites fabricated using a vacuum-assisted resin infusion method. The alkaline-treated fibres were arranged in the orientations 0°/0°/0°/0° and 0°/90°/0°/90°. Density measurements, mechanical tests, and thermogravimetric analysis were carried out on the epoxy and the composites. The results of the mechanical testing showed that the tensile, flexural, and compression strengths of the kenaf fibre-reinforced epoxy composites with a 0°/0°/0°/0° fibre orientation were higher than those of the composites with a 0°/90°/0°/90° fibre orientation, with values of (96.61 ± 10.18) MPa, (131.01 ± 6.60) MPa, and (71.96 ± 5.50) MPa, respectively. Scanning electron microscope observations showed that the composites had good fibre-matrix adhesion. The thermal stability of the epoxy was enhanced from 557 °C to 571 °C by incorporating kenaf fibre with 0°/0°/0°/0° orientation. With reference to the Indonesian National Standard 01-4449–2006, the two composites could be classified as T2 45 High Density Fibreboard.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1634-1651
Number of pages18
JournalAdvances in Materials and Processing Technologies
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Composites
  • epoxy
  • Kenaf fibre
  • mechanical properties
  • Thermal properties


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