Efek Antioksidan Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Acalypha indica dan Centella asiatica pada Fungsi Hati Tikus Pascahipoksia Sistemik

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Hypoxia occurs due to the deficiency of oxygen supply to cells or tissue caused by the failure of the respiratory system that carries oxygen which results in cell or tissue damage. Liver is an organ sensitive to hypoxia. Acalypha indica and Centella asiatica are proven to have antioxidant effects and can protect many organs from hypoxic conditions. This study was aimed to analyse the effect of A. indica and C.asiatica ethanol extract combination on post-hypoxic condition towards liver function, oxidative stress and antioxidant activity of the liver. Twenty-eight spraque-dawley rats divided randomly into 7 groups. Control group was treated without hypoxia and the other six groups were given substances as follows on the 7th day of hypoxia: water, combination of dose 1 and 2, single dose of A. indica, single dose of C.asiatica, and single dose of vitamin C for 7 days. Parameters measured were activities of ALT and AST, MDA, GSH / GSSG ratio and SOD activity. There was no significant difference in the activity of ALT and AST in all groups. MDA levels was increased in the 7-days post-hypoxic group compared to control (p=0,007). The combination 1 group had low MDA and increased GSH/GSSG ratio and SOD activity compared to the post-7days-hypoxic group. The substance of combination 1 has protective effect on the rats’ liver on post-7-days-hypoxic through oxidative stress and antioxidant mechanisms.

Original languageIndonesian
JournaleJournal Kedokteran Indonesia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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