Does Work-Life Balance Have an Impact on Wellbeing (Case Study on Gen X, Y and Z in Depok City)

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This study aims to see whether there is an influence between Work Life Balance (WLB) on Wellbeing (WELL) in 50 generation X people, 50 generation Y people and 50 generation Z people in Depok City. Sampling is done based on sampling quotas, where sampling is taken in equal proportion between generations. The study used a quantitative approach, with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) equations, processed with Lisrel software. There are interesting findings in this study, it turns out that overall respondents stated that time to relax, enjoy, and calm down with flexible work arrangements is the most priority at this time. This reason makes them choose flexible work or enter the category of work-life balance. In terms of welfare, respondents think that working time arrangements that are balanced with daily life will increase the money they save. The hypothesis is answered that there is an influence between work-life balance and wellbeing.

Original languageEnglish
JournalTuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • work life balance
  • wellbeing
  • Gene X, Y, Z
  • Depok


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