Does the overweight trend of children aged 0-24 months in Indonesia tend to be increasing and what factors are related? (IFLS data analysis study of 2000, 2007, and 2014)

Rifda Wulansari, Rini Meiandayati, Laily Hanifah, Endang Laksminingsih

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Background: Overweight is still one of the nutritional problems in Indonesia. It considered as the first signal of the emergence of a group of non communicable disease. Indonesia shows that the problem it on average is still above 5%. Objective: This study aims to examine the trend patterns and see whether the factors associated with the occurrence of overweight in children 0-24 months different or not in 2000 and 2014. Method: cross sectional approach. Trend data use IFLS 2000, 2007, 2014, see the difference, IFLS 2000 and 2014.Sampling technique by total sampling. Results: The trend pattern shows the incidence of overweight in children 0-24 months in 2000 amounted to 7.03%, in 2007 by 8.86% and in 2014 of 7.79%. Chi-Square showed in 2000 factors that have greater chance of overweight of children 0-24 months is birth weight> 3900 gram (p = 0.033) and mother’s job (p = 0.0030). In 2014, the length of birth (p = 0.032). Logistic regression showed in 2000 that birth weight> 3900 gram tend to overweight at age 0-24 months of 2.20 times greater than normal (p = 0.038). In 2014, birth weight > 3900 gram is 2.07 times greater than normal (p = 0.047).The length of birth ≥ 48 cm is 2.05 times greater than below (p = 0.013). Conclusion: There is a fluctuation in the pattern of overweight in children aged 0-24 months from 2000, 2007 and 2014 which in general there is no improvement. The nutritional status of the child at birth appears to be an important factor associated with overweight in children. The role of maternal nutritional status, before and during pregnancy that may affect fetal growth should also be considered.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)475-480
Number of pages6
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018


  • Children 0-24 months
  • IFLS survey data
  • Indonesia
  • Overweight
  • Trends


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