Digital nursing promotion has increased ethics digital literacy: Program improvement

Rr tutik sri Hariyati, Hanny Handiyani, Tsania ayu Zaharany, Rona cahyantari Merduaty, Andi amalia Wildani, Shanti farida Rachmi, Dewi Gayatri, Laode abdul Rahman, Nami Kobayashi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Digital technology plays a positive role in helping nursing services work more effectively and efficiently. This study reports on a competency improvement program based on the promotion of digital literacy.

This study applies the Assessment, Development and Design Program, Implementing and Evaluation (ADDIE) approach, which consists of five stages. The first is a study of gap assessment needs to increase digital literacy and an analysis using a Fishbone Diagram. The second to fifth stages are development, program design, implementation, and evaluation. The participants consisted of 10 nurses for the initial assessment using Focus Group Discussion. The sample for evaluating digital literacy pre- and post-implementation consisted of 25 nurses selected via purposive sampling. Nurses included in the evaluation stage are those who participated in digital literacy promotion. The instrument used was the “Person-Centered Digital Literacy” questionnaire, the validity of which was in the range of 0.497–0.897, with a reliability value of 0.975.

In the first stage, the fishbone analysis recommended developing a program promoting digital literacy. Implementation was delivered to nurses after the flow and learning materials were developed and confirmed by nursing experts. The program increased perceptions (20%) of ethical attitude, awareness of data confidentiality and security, and use of social media with wisdom.

The promotion of digital literacy with ADDIE model is needed to improve the competency of nurses in digital technology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)366
Publication statusPublished - 23 Apr 2024


  • Ethical Attitude
  • Digital Literacy
  • Digital Promotion
  • Nurse


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