Diagnsosis dan Penatalaksanaan Lesi Endo-Perio Sari Pustaka

Edward Dwingadi, Fatimah Maria Tadjoedin, Hari Sunarto

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Introduction: Endodontic and periodontal tissue have embryonic, anatomic and functional association; therefore an infection can easily spread from one part to another. Proper understanding of etiology, anatomy, and pathogenesis are mandatory to identify classification and diagnosis to make an appropriate treatment plan. Content: Endo-perio lesions that usually caused by plaque, commonly found as an emergency case. Spread of infection might be from apical foramen, accessories canals, and dental anomalies. Discussion: Generally periodontal diseases are chronic and don’t cause too much pain, therefore patients only come when it's already in advanced stage and painful. Historical, clinical, and radiographic examintion are essential to determine the source of the lesions, whether it's from endodontic tissue, periodontal tissue, or the combinations. In true combinations lessons, usually the root canal treatment was done first to reduce the pain and then evaluated for periodontal treatment necessity. In more severe cases, it can be considered to do both endodontric and periodontal treatment simultaneously. Conclusion: Pathogenesis of this lession range from simple to complex. Treatment plans and the list of priority support the success of the therapies. It may need restorative, endodontic, and or periodontal treatment. Therefore, a multi-discipline approach is needed to treat this disease comprehensively.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventThe 3rd Periodontic Seminar - ID, Surabaya, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2017 → …


ConferenceThe 3rd Periodontic Seminar
Period1/01/17 → …


  • Endo-perio lessions, diagnosis, treatment plan


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