Diagnostic test thyroid elastography examination and mRNA expression of the Cytokeratin-19 gene to determine the type of thyroid nodule

Fauzy Ma’ruf, Made Agus Suanjaya, Bachtiar Murtala, Muhammad Ilyas, Mochammad Hatta, Rahmad Mulyadi, Rosdiana Natzir, Irfan Idris, Muhammad Husni Cangara, Mirna Muis, Andi Alfian Zainuddin, Dewi Anjarwati, Wiwik Sari Aprianturi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Thyroid nodules are still a health problem today. The incidence of thyroid nodules is still high. Thyroid nodules are found in 60% of the human population. Most thyroid nodules are benign, whereas malignant ones account for only about 10% of cases. Efforts are needed to determine the diagnostic value of ultrasound elastography and cytokeratin-19 biomarkers in determining the type of thyroid nodule. Methods: This study is a diagnostic test on 42 thyroid nodule patients. Elastography examination using GE Logic 7 expert ultrasound and cytokeratin 19 biomarker examination using cubital vein blood. Result: The study participant was dominated by 38 women and 4 men. The age range of the study subjects was dominated by the age range less than and up to 40 years with 27 people (64.3%) and at least in the age range more than 60 years with 3 people (7.1%). Elastography’s receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curve in determining thyroid nodules found that Elastography’s ability to diagnose benign and malignant thyroid nodules was good with an area under curve (AUC) of 0.8409 (84.09%). ROC curve of cytokeratin-19 gene m-RNA expression in determining thyroid nodules found that the ability of cytokeratin-19 gene m-RNA expression in diagnosing benign and malignant thyroid nodules is excellent with an area under curve (AUC) of 0.9795 (97.95%). Conclusion: Elastography has a good ability to determine the thyroid nodule while Cytokeratin-19 has an excellent ability to determine the type of thyroid nodule.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)814-819
Number of pages6
JournalBali Medical Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • cytokeratin-19
  • Diagnostic test, thyroid nodule
  • Elastography


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