Development of Smoke Management Demonstration Apparatus

Muhammad Agung Santoso, Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho, Gandhi Mahaputra, Azimil Gani Alam, Muhammad Andira Mulia Sirega, Muhammad T Ramadhan, Cahya Tri Anggara, Ali A. Sungkar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Fire safety is a critical design factor in tall buildings. Smoke is recognized as the major killer in fire situations. Building fires produce both smoke and heat. The amount of smoke produced and their physical and chemical properties are greatly affected by the
interior building materials which is in today’s buildings are mostly made of cellulose and plastics. Stairwell and passage pressurisation systems are an important component of the
means of egress system in many buildings. Besides early warning system using smoke detectorts, smoke management, mitigation and containment should be an essential part of any HVAC design. This paper presents the outcome of developing a smoke management demonstration apparatus for education proposes. This apparatus can help the student
undertaking fire safety engineering course and HVAC related courses to have hands on experience at laboratory scale. In the future, the student will also be able to compare their Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results with experimental works. A real world experience is an important component in an engineering education curriculum.
Keywords : Smoke, venting, demonstration apparatus.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe 12th Annual National Seminar Of Mechanical Engineering (SNTTM XII)
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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