Development of platform structure as protection to lithium batteries in electric vehicle during crash impact

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Issue of fossil fuel depletion in near time has led engineers and scientists to develop cars that use other forms of energy source, such as electricity. Lithium batteries are utilized as power storage in electric cars considering their advantages. Nevertheless, they are prone to external disturbances, such as physical shock or metal debris which may cause electric short and lead to fire. Design and testing of platform structure as a protection to electric batteries during crash impact has been done. Platform structure is specifically designed, so it can be built as a prototype for further developments. Computational simulations shows that during front impact test, stresses are distributed in the front side of platform, while addition of stiffener offers more concentrated stresses to certain location. Moreover, for side impact test, critical point is located in corner side near the location for batteries, which means reinforcement is needed to improve protection for batteries during side impact. Additional scenario of rear impact test is also done. Result shows critical point around rear side of batteries, means that reinforcement should be added in rear side of platform to improve protection for batteries.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology, rICT and ICEV-T 2013 - Bandung, Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 26 Nov 201328 Nov 2013


Conference2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology, rICT and ICEV-T 2013
CityBandung, Bali


  • crashworthiness
  • electric vehicle
  • impact
  • lithium battery
  • platform


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