Development of application for virtual manufacturing by the integration of hand tracking and hand contraction sensor

Gandjar Kiswanto, Ferdiansyah Zhultriza, Adjeng Ayu Setiani, Dody Rakhmat Ramadhan, Muhammad Fathin Juzar, Rachmad Muhammad Suryantoro

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The development of manufacturing world in the 21st century is growing as the demand for product's increase. Creating innovative, fast, and inexpensive new products can provide benefits for the manufacturing industry. Product design with real prototype has expensive cost for research and the failure is too high. This research initiated a concept of virtual manufacturing that can be used to perform assembly and design utilize the results of image processign data. The use of virtual assembly can cut the prize of prototype development and user can feel the sensation instantly. The application is developed using webcam cameras on laptop and integration of the results of identification hand tracking based on image processing and hand contraction based on EMG sensor with 3D CAD system. User can use this application without feeling interupted by the sensors so they can feel more flexible in performing simulation and do not have to purchase any additional devices that are expensive. The end results of this research are virtual designing and virtual assembly application as part of virtual manufacturing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)128-133
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)
Issue number4.16 Special Issue 16
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018


  • CAD
  • Image processing
  • Manufacture
  • Virtual assembly
  • Virtual manufacturing


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