Development of Android Based Application for Monitoring Engine Lubricant Condition in Four Wheeled Vehicle and Driving Behaviour Effects on Engine Lubricant Condition

H S Nugroho, M A Dewantoro, D E Atmaja

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Engine lubricant is a liquid chemical that is given between two moving objects to reduce the frictional force that occurs. Engine lubricant needs to be replaced periodically to maintain the durability of four-wheeled vehicles. Manufacturers of four-wheeled vehicle manufacturers have given the lubricant replacement period to consumers, but this time period is only a reference. The purpose of this research is to study the calculation method to find the right time to replace the lubricant along with its parameters, study the relationship and characteristics between engine lubricant temperature with coolant temperature, and study the relationship of driving behaviour to decrease engine lubricant conditions. This research was carried out by taking data on engine lubricant temperature and coolant using ANCEL and then analysed it to get the formula for determining engine oil temperature and found the mean absolute error of 0 to 3.60. This research is done by testing the driving behaviour of eco, normal, and sport as far as 300 km for each driving behaviour. In this study, engine speed and coolant temperature data are taken through OBD II and then processed using Raspberry Pi into RPS and engine lubricant temperature then further processed by the backend then the data is sent to Android. On the Android application, the output of the data processing results is displayed as a percentage of engine lubricant conditions, engine lubricant remaining distance, and engine lubricant remaining time. The test results show that in sports driving behaviour, the condition of engine lubricants decreased the most at 3.9% followed by normal at 3.18% and the lowest decreased was eco with 2.39%.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Automotive Innovation & Green Energy Vehicle (AIGEV 2020)
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2021

Publication series

NameIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
PublisherIOP Publishing Ltd.
ISSN (Print)1757-8981


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