Determinants of Social Media Utilization as a Source of Information Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine among Generation Z in Indonesia

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This study aimed to determine the determinants of seeking information related to COVID-19 vaccination by Generation Z through the use of social media. This study used a cross-sectional design. The total sample was 588. Data collection was carried out in July 2021 and analyzed using the Chi-square test. The results showed a significant relationship between gender and the type of social media; education level with a duration of social media; gender and basic information about vaccines; gender and information about the side effects and safety of vaccines; gender and reinvestigation of vaccine information; gender and ability to recognize hoaxes on social media. Gender has a more significant relationship than education level in using social media as a source of information on COVID-19 vaccines.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe 5th International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology 2022
Publication statusPublished - 19 Dec 2022


  • social media
  • COVID-19 vaccine
  • Generation Z


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