Determinan rokok elektrik di Indonesia: data SUSENAS (Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional) tahun 2017

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Electric cigarette determinants in Indonesia: using SUSENAS (National Social Economic Survey) data in 2017

Purpose: Socio-economic disparity has been established to use conventional cigarettes, but the socio-economic picture of the use of e-cigarettes has not been well described. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the socio-economic determinants and behavior of conventional cigarettes on the use of e-cigarettes in Indonesia.

Method: This study data uses SUSENAS (National Socio-Economic Survey) data with a cross sectional method collected in March 2017. To see the determinants of the use of e-cigarettes, this study conducted econometric analysis using LPM and Probit analysis. This analysis was carried out using STATA software version 14.

Results: of all the independent variables in this study, which showed a significant relationship to the dependent variable (electric smoking) was age 25-45 years, gender, regional status, education, economic status in quintile 5, and all categories of tobacco smoking status. The pseudo R2 results on the probit model show results of 0.2373.

Conclusion: Social economics is a factor associated with electric smoking behavior as well as smoking status. Age has a relationship with electrical smoking behavior where for Indonesia the age group that smokes electrically is dominated by adults (25-45) and parents (45- 65). In addition, secondary education, higher education, and individuals who have economic status in quintile 5 have a significant relationship with the use of e-cigarettes. Factors that use tobacco cigarettes which are currently active smokers, who have quit smoking and who have never smoked, contribute to electric smoking behavior.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBerita Kedokteran Masyarakat
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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