Design and analysis of a powertrain system for a small internal combustion engine (ICE) car converted to an electric vehicle

Ghany Heryana, Mohammad Adhitya, D. A. Sumarsono, Nazaruddin, Rolan Siregar, B. D. Aprianto, Sonki Prasetya, Fuad Zainuri

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Electric vehicles are projected to replace Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles in the next few years. Research related to electric cars continues to be carried out by experts. One of the essential parts of an electric vehicle is the powertrain, an electric motor. A car with ICE can be converted into an electric car by replacing the ICE with an electric motor. This research is strategic because it is forecasted that there are still ICE vehicles in the transition era of electric cars. If they are not converted, there will be many carcasses of the conventional vehicle. The authors converted an ICE vehicle into an electric vehicle. The car has a manual transmission system. The clutch system and existing transmission were still in use. This vehicle uses front wheels drive. The narrow space and the propeller shafts/front axles distance to the center of the transmission axis are also a challenge. So that the electric motor does not hit the propeller shaft, the electric motor was offset not in the exact center as the transmission axis. The use of an intermediate gearbox succeeded in overcoming these problems. It is actually a different fixed transmission, the ratio of which can be changed at any time. In order for the motor to be attached to the transmission, an intermediate flange was developed. It keeps the clutch functioning correctly. The system consists of an electric motor, a mounting flange, and an intermediate transmission. The housing material of those parts is aluminum. The housing manufacturing process was carried out with a CNC machine. Confidence in the strength of the motor design and material is vital. Strength analysis was carried out using the finite element analysis (FEA) method. Mainly, it is to see the value of strength, deflection, and safety factors. The design of the powertrain system worked well.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAIP Conference Proceedings
EditorsAndyka Kusuma, Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah, Radon Dhelika, Mochamad Adhiraga Pratama, Ridho Irwansyah, Imam Jauhari Maknun, Wahyuaji Narottama Putra, Romadhani Ardi, Ruki Harwahyu, Yulia Nurliani Harahap, Kenny Lischer
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735446410
Publication statusPublished - 6 Feb 2024
Event17th International Conference on Quality in Research, QiR 2021 in conjunction with the International Tropical Renewable Energy Conference 2021, I-Trec 2021 and the 2nd AUN-SCUD International Conference, CAIC-SIUD - Virtual, Online, India
Duration: 13 Oct 202115 Oct 2021

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


Conference17th International Conference on Quality in Research, QiR 2021 in conjunction with the International Tropical Renewable Energy Conference 2021, I-Trec 2021 and the 2nd AUN-SCUD International Conference, CAIC-SIUD
CityVirtual, Online


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