Density Flies and Helminth Infection at Child in Muara Angke.

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Context: Infection due to worms can lead to anemia, nutritional disorders, growth, and intelligence which
in the long run will reduce the quality of human resources. This study aims to determine relevant of density
of flies to helminthiasis and to know relevant between risk variables (gender, age, latrine availability,
cleanliness of nails, footwear habits, parental education, socio-economic conditions, floor conditions, food
sanitation). This study was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach with a total
sample of 97 people taken from the age of 7-15 years. Stool examination results showed that students who
tested positive for helminthiasis were 5 people (5.2%) and negative as many as 92 people (94.8%). Based on
statistical analysis was concluded that there was irrelevant between fly density, sex, age, latrine availability,
hygiene of nails, footwear habits, mother’s education, and food sanitation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1921-1925
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


  • Musca domestica
  • synanthropic flies
  • mechanical transmission
  • soil-transmitted helminth


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