Demographic characteristics, risk factors and immunocytochemistry of p16INK4a, KI-67, MCM5, and survivin as predictors for the progress of cervical precancer lesion

Junita Indarti, Mohammad F. Aziz, Bambang Sutrisna, Nuryati Chairani Siregar, Bethy Suryawati, Alida Harahap

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Aim To identify the predictive factors and biomarkers in the progression of cervical precancer lesion or Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN). Methods The study was conducted from August 2007 to September 2008. Design of the study was case-control with stratifications of test dose response. The cases were patients with CIN. Control patients were non CIN patients. Bivariate analysis followed by multivariate analysis was conducted. Results There were 130 patients, consisting of 124 CIN patients divided into CIN 1, CIN 2 and CIN 3, with the following numbers of patients: 30, 41, and 33, respectively and 26 patients without CIN (non CIN). Bivariate analysis showed that age < 41 years, education ≥ 13 years, sexual partner ≥ 2, first sexual relationship at age < 22 years, smoking, the presence of sexuallly transmitted infections, positive HPV DNA, high p16INK4a, Ki-67, MCM5 and Survivin expression constituted independent variables for the occurrence of CIN with P value of < 0.05. However, on multivariate analysis, independent variables that emerged were age, education ≥ 13 years, sexual partner ≥ 2 persons, positive HPV DNA, and over expression of p16INK4a, Ki-67 and Survivin that showed a P value of < 0.005. Conclusion Younger ages, education age ≥ 13 years, sexual partner ≥ 2 persons, positive HPV DNA, high p16INK4a, Ki-67 and Survivin expression constituted the risk factors for the occurrence of the progress of CIN, and was used in the equation to predict the progress of cervical precancer lesion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)147-153
Number of pages7
JournalMedical Journal of Indonesia
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2010


  • Case control study
  • Equation


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