Deconstructing Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab's Teaching Through Jacques Darrida Deconstruction Theory

Sa'dah Mardiati, Naupal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the beginning, Islam came to Indonesia peacefully. Islam entered Indonesia through acculturation spesifically in Java in the hands of religious leaders called Wali Songo. Opposite to that way, the Wahhabi's teachings who wanted to purify Islamic religion lead by the prophet and his companions period makes Islam in Indonesia become exclusive. The Wahhabi's teachings which is in contrast of Islam Nusantara creates discomfort among all moslems, in particular, followers of NU, the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. This is what the writer wants to answer by unloading the exclusive Wahhabism and intolerant thinking using the deconstruction analysis by Derrida. Before that, Foucault analysis of power relation will be used to broaden the language meaning dimension that influences language social system that is the background of Wahhabi's teaching. Using the deconstruction method, the researcher will unload hierarchical text elements to find new reading result of the existing text to produce a more tolerant meaning. This research is expected to be thinking contribution in solving religious teachings conflicts that root from reading texts exclusively, and to construct awareness among moslems about discourse of relative truth, especially as a new way of reading the texts with exclusive thinking.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)110-118
JournalInternational Review of Humanities Studies (IRHS)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018


  • Wahhabi
  • deconstruction
  • power relation
  • relative truth


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