Dataset on waste management behaviors of urban citizens in large cities of Indonesia

Agus Brotosusilo, Dwini Handayani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Citations (Scopus)


This study used a statistical approach to measure how urban citizens in certain provinces of Indonesia handle their waste. It illustrates how the desirable habits related to environmental consciousness differ across urban citizens among different regions and economic classes. A wide disparity was found in people's understanding of a healthy and clean environment across provinces and cities. Waste management ignorance was also found to be prevalent. Inculcating personal awareness of the local environment was found to be a good start toward keeping the environment clean. The observed positive correlation between the overall living conditions and littering behavior indicates that households that exhibit littering behavior also tend to score higher on living conditions. This significant positive correlation is indicative of self-interest and ignorance. The study also suggests that a higher level of household economic prosperity correlates with a more desirable behavior toward maintaining a clean and healthy environment; such behaviors are also adopted by citizens living in clean neighborhoods. Furthermore, a clean and healthy lifestyle is also supported by environmental consciousness in conjunction with hygienic environmental conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106053
JournalData in Brief
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020


  • Indonesia
  • Regional waste management differences
  • Urban
  • Waste management


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