Data Quality Management Maturity Measurement of Government-Owned Property Transaction in BMKG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Government-Owned Property (GOP) management, including the bookkeeping of GOP transaction,
is part of GOP Officer responsibility to ensure the quality
of transaction data. This responsibility also applies to
GOP Officer in Indonesian Agency for Meteorological,
Climatological and Geophysics ‘Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika’ (BMKG). GOP data as the
source for the Central Government Financial Report is
expected to be well-maintained. It must be presented as
accurate as possible, although there are still inaccurate
data presented in the latest BMKG GOP Report. This
qualitative research using document study and some
interview sessions aims to measure how well the Data
Quality Management (DQM) maturity of GOP transaction in BMKG using Loshin’s Data Quality Maturity
model. Thus, the result of maturity assessment is analyzed
to recommend and implement DQM activities from the
Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK). The
purpose is to improve GOP DQM. The research shows
that the level of DQM maturity is at a repeatable level to
defined level. Moreover, 52 maturity characteristics need
to be followed through with DQM activities
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)59-72
Number of pages14
JournalCommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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