Dapatkah Keputusan Kemahkamahan Etik Majelis Kehormatan Etik Kedokteran Bersifat Terbuka?

Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, Frans Sentosa, Reggy Lefrandt, Prijo Sidipratomo, Agus Purwadianto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Verdict of ethical trials of Medical Ethics Council of Honors (MKEK) is generally confidential. There are, however, several considerations in which a council decision can be disclosed, ranging from partial to full disclosure, with complete or incomplete content. The considerations include accused physician, authorized institutions, accuser factors, work environment of the accused, educational interests, for reports, public and press considerations, and as a consequence of changes in the Organizational Guidelines of MKEK in the future. Decision of this disclosure must be wisely considered and in accordance with applicable guidelines
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)45-52
JournalJurnal Etika Kedokteran Indonesia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jun 2018


  • Etik
  • keterbukaan
  • putusan
  • sidang

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