Cultural competence of nursesin providing culturally sensitive nursing care for diabetic patients at Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta

Enie Novieastari, Azrul Azwar, Dewi Irawaty, Sudarti

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Culture influences human behavior, including behavior during illness and hospitalization. In order to provide nursingcare to patients, nurses need to consider their cultural dimension. Nurses must have cultural competency to provide nursing care. Without this competence, nurses will encounter some problems in fulfilling patients' need. The purpose of this article is to describe the effect of Asuhan Keperawatan Peka Budaya/AKPB Training (culturally-sensitive nursing care training) in enhancing cultural competence of nurses at Fatmawati Hospital. A quasi-experimental design with pre and post test without group was used. By using total sampling method, sixty-three nurses who work at General Ward (Fifth Floor Ward IRNA B) Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta were participated in this research. The modules for the training and the instruments for this research were developed by the researchers and being reviewed by a number of related nursing experts through expert meeting. The research found that cultural knowledge and skills of nurses was increase after the intervention. Based on paired t-test analysis, the mean difference of sub variable of cultural knowledge scores before and after intervention was 8.587 with p value = 0.000 (α=0.05); and the mean difference of sub variable cultural skills scores before and after intervention was 10.460 with p value = 0.000 (α=0.05). However, the mean difference of sub variable cultural attitude scores before and after intervention was only 0.730 and p value = 0.364 (α =0.05). As Conclusion, there are statistically different between nurses' cultural knowledge and cultural skills before and after intervention of AKPB training.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1967-1970
Number of pages4
JournalWorld Applied Sciences Journal
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • AKPB Training
  • Cultural competency
  • Nursing care


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