Cross-sector collaboration indicators development of HIV-AIDS prevention program in Indonesia

Balqis, Hasbullah Thabrany, Kemal N. Siregar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Background: Cross-sector collaboration is a very effective strategy in carrying out HIV-AIDS prevention programs. The purpose of this study was to develop indicators for measuring cross-sector collaboration of the HIV-AIDS Prevention Program. Method: This study used a qualitative method with a rapid assessment procedure design, and information was extracted through in-depth interview to develop assessment indicators and ways of measuring cross-sector collaboration of the HIV-AIDS Prevention Program. Information sources were taken from key informants and regular informants. After that expert conducted discussion which aimed to refine and sharpen the question model which had been developed from the informants. Result: It was found that from the five dimensions of cross-sector collaboration of HIV-AIDS prevention programs, there were 18 new indicators formed from the dimension of governance, administrative, organizational independence, mutuality and norms. Conclusions: It is expected that from those indicators, the government’s strategy for the HIV-AIDS prevention program can be measured.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)566-571
Number of pages6
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


  • Collaboration
  • Cross-sector
  • Prevention program of HIV-AIDS


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