Creating the Habitus of Tolerance in Indonesian Schools: Normative, Praxis, and Symbolic Dimensions

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In a multicultural society, tolerance is an important prerequisite for maintaining socialorder in communal life. Schools are one of the most important loci for habituating acharacter and culture of tolerance. However, most studies that have been carried out tendto focus more on the problem of intolerance in schools, and have not explored how thehabitus of tolerance can be created and practiced instead. This research is a study on hownine schools in seven different cities across Indonesia have developed their own habitus oftolerance. We employed a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews, observa-tion, and document review data collection techniques. The study shows that the habitus oftolerance in schools is realized through three dimensions. First, the normative dimension,namely through values, norms, and regulations. Second, the practical dimension, namelythrough the learning process at school in the form of activities and created habits. Third,the symbolic dimension, namely through the use of material symbols.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)105-126
JournalMASYARAKAT: Jurnal Sosiologi
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 19 Aug 2022


  • Habitus
  • tolerance
  • school
  • education
  • Indonesia


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