Coordination of Ce(III) and Nd(III) with pentaethylene glycol in the presence of picrate anion: Spectroscopic and X-ray structural studies

Eny Kusrini, Muhammad Idiris Saleh, Claude Lecomte

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12 Citations (Scopus)


1H NMR evidence for direct coordination between the Ln(III) ion and the oxygen atoms of the pentaethylene glycol (EO5) ligand and the picrate anion (Pic) in [Ln(Pic)2(EO5)][Pic] {Ln = Ce and Nd} complexes are confirmed by single X-ray diffraction. No dissociation of Ln-O bonds in dimethyl sulfoxide-d solution was observed in NMR studies conducted at different temperatures ranging 25-100 °C. The Ln(III) ion was chelated to nine oxygen atoms from the EO5 ligand in a hexadentate manner and the two Pic anions in each bidentate and monodentate modes. Both compounds are isostructural and crystallized in monoclinic with space group P21/c. Coordination environment around the Ce1 and Nd1 atoms can be described as tricapped trigonal prismatic and monocapped square antiprismatic geometries, respectively. The crystal packing of the complexes have stabilized by one dimensional (1D) chains along the [0 0 1] direction to form intermolecular O-H⋯O and C-H⋯O hydrogen bonding. The molar conductance of the complexes in DMSO solution indicated that both compounds are ionic. The complexes had a good thermal stability. Under the UV-excitation, these complexes exhibited the red-shift emission.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)120-126
Number of pages7
JournalSpectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2009


  • Cerium
  • Crystal structure
  • Neodymium
  • Pentaethylene glycol
  • Picrate complexes


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