Contradictions of physical development in Lasem vernacular settlements against the principle of heritage area preservation

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Lasem's vernacular settlements since the colonial period until today have been under various pressures from political aspects, physical urban development and economic interests. Changes in the orientation of the Lasem area due to physical modern development can be traced back to the construction of the postal highway during the colonial until Orde Baru period. The construction of this road cut down the front yard of vernacular houses in Lasem, which had an impact on changes in building facades. Shop houses grew along the highway as a result of the fulfillment of economic interests, this was also followed by changes in building functions and styles towards modern architectural styles. Environmental problems, aspects of political policy in the past and the downfall of the shipbuilding and batik industries also had an impact on the decline in the function of the Lasem area. Revitalization activities carried out in Lasem by structuring the built environment as an effort to control and increase the value of the area have been carried out in 2021-2022. The research objectives are to find the impact of physical development on Lasem vernacular settlements, the phenomenon and contradictions of physical development in heritage revitalization, and to find out the principles of preservation in the revitalization of cultural heritage. Resarch findings show that the physical development that is part of this revitalization is still oriented towards "beutification" and "disneyland" that is intended for tourists. The construction of street furniture in this area actually masks the existence and erodes the character of the buildings in the Lasem vernacular residential area. The demolition of ancient channels and the felling of trees as the green belt of the area, actually shows self-destruction and destructive new creations. This phenomenon contradicts the principles of preservation and revitalization in historic areas. Lasem with all its potential and historical heritage in terms of culture, architecture, landscape, and multicultural ethnicity in terms of its people has formed a distinctive character that distinguishes Lasem from other regions. The geographical unit of the ancient city Lasem has the status of cultural heritage, so all forms of physical development that have the potential to present spatial functions aimed at improving the quality of the area and its people must be committed to the principle of preserving cultural heritage.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of International Seminar on Vernacular Settlement 12 “Vernacular Built Environments: Towards a Sustainable Future”
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Development
  • Vernacular Settlement
  • Heritage
  • Preservation


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