Contemporary fluid management, humidity, and patent ductus arteriosus management strategy for premature infants among 336 hospitals in Asia

Yao Chi Hsieh, Mei Jy Jeng, Ming Chih Lin, Yuh Jyh Lin, Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, Rizalya Dewi, Seok Chiong Chee, Siew Hong Neoh, Belen Amparo E. Velasco, Ma Lourdes S. Imperial, Pracha Nuntnarumit, Sopapan Ngerncham, Yun Sil Chang, Sae Yun Kim, Bin Huey Quek, Zubair Amin, Satoshi Kusuda, Fuyu Miyake, Tetsuya Isayama

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Objectives: The management of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a critical concern in premature infants, and different hospitals may have varying treatment policies, fluid management strategies, and incubator humidity. The Asian Neonatal Network Collaboration (AsianNeo) collected data on prematurity care details from hospitals across Asian countries. The aim of this study was to provide a survey of the current practices in the management of PDA in premature infants in Asian countries. Methods: AsianNeo performed a cross-sectional international questionnaire survey in 2022 to assess the human and physical resources of hospitals and clinical management of very preterm infants. The survey covered various aspects of hospitals resources and clinical management, and data were collected from 337 hospitals across Asia. The data collected were used to compare hospitals resources and clinical management of preterm infants between areas and economic status. Results: The policy of PDA management for preterm infants varied across Asian countries in AsianNeo. Hospitals in Northeast Asia were more likely to perform PDA ligation (p < 0.001) than hospitals in Southeast Asia. Hospitals in Northeast Asia had stricter fluid restrictions in the first 24 h after birth for infants born at <29 weeks gestation (p < 0.001) and on day 14 after birth for infants born at <29 weeks gestation (p < 0.001) compared to hospitals in Southeast Asia. Hospitals in Northeast Asia also had a more humidified environment for infants born between 24 weeks gestation and 25 weeks gestation in the first 72 h after birth (p < 0.001). A logistic regression model predicted that hospitals were more likely to perform PDA ligation for PDA when the hospitals had a stricter fluid planning on day 14 after birth [Odds ratio (OR) of 1.70, p = 0.048], more incubator humidity settings (<80% vs. 80%–89%, OR of 3.35, p = 0.012 and <80% vs. 90%–100%, OR of 5.31, p < 0.001). Conclusions: In advanced economies and Northeast Asia, neonatologists tend to adopt a more conservative approach towards fluid management, maintain higher incubator humidity settings and inclined to perform surgical ligation for PDA.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1336299
JournalFrontiers in Pediatrics
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • AsianNeo
  • fluid management
  • humidity
  • patent ductus arteriosus
  • prematurity


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