Comprehensive technical analysis of post-combustion carbon capture and storage based on monoethanolamine absorption for petrochemical industry in Indonesia

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The implementation of carbon capture and storage in the petrochemical industry is one of the means of decarbonization. This research focuses on a comprehensive technical analysis of the deployment of post-combustion carbon capture and storage based on monoethanolamine absorption in the petrochemical industry. The olefin complex petrochemical industry in Tuban, Indonesia, is the basis for the analysis, which includes a steam cracker, polyethylene, polypropylene, and raw pyrolysis gasoline hydrotreating units, with capacities of 1000, 940, 600, and 570 kilotons/year, respectively. The total energy consumption is about 16 024.53 GJ/h, and the CO2 emissions are about 1.6 megatons/year. Based on these plant systems, comprehensive technical analyses of the implementation of carbon capture and storage in that industry were performed using Aspen HYSYS® simulation software. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the total CO2 captured, energy intensity, monoethanolamine consumption, and net CO2 captured in various scenarios based on the number of absorber column stages, absorption pressure, and desorption temperature. The CO2 storage site is about 100 km away and is transported by an onshore pipeline with a supercritical phase of CO2. The optimal net CO2 capture value is achieved by setting up a 50-stage absorber column with a pressure of 1 barg and a temperature of 110°C at the top of the desorber column, resulting in a CO2 capture yield of 86.4% and an energy intensity of 12.6 GJ/ton CO2. Under these conditions, the net CO2 captured in the scenario based on gas power plants' electricity is 0.225 megatons/year, while in the scenario based on gas power plants incorporating 30% biomass electricity, it is 0.544 megatons/year. With increased use of renewable energy in carbon capture and storage facilities, more net CO2 is captured. This study can be applied to various cases of post-combustion carbon capture and storage implementation in the industrial sector, especially in the petrochemical industry.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16-36
Number of pages21
JournalClean Energy
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2024


  • absorption
  • carbon capture and storage
  • energy intensity
  • injection
  • monoethanolamine
  • net captured CO
  • olefin
  • petrochemical
  • pipeline


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