Complications of INA-Shunt Insertion in Pediatric Patients with Hydrocephalus and its Variations

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Background: Hydrocephalus is a condition of excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) caused by an imbalance between the production and absorption of CSF, resulting in ventriculomegaly and can be accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure. One of the most common treatments for hydrocephalus is Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt (VP Shunt), which also carries a risk of complications. Indonesia has been able to make its own pump system for VP Shunt operation under the name INA-shunt. but none has investigated the complication rate with the use of the INA-shunt pump system and whether the complication is tolerable.

Objective: To determine the complications that occur in pediatric patients with hydrocephalus and its variations who have had VP Shunt surgery with an INA Shunt pump and the factors that influence it.

Methods: This research is descriptive retrospective. The research is multicenter, taking secondary data from Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Harapan Kita Hospital, and Sardjito Hospital. In the period January 2018 – December 2019, there were 31 subjects that fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Postoperative clinical and radiological assessments were performed within 1 year to evaluate the presence of complications in the subjects.

Results: From 31 subjects, there were complications in 5 subjects (16%). The complications were proximal shunt malfunction (10%, n=3), exposed shunt (3%, n=1), and infected shunt (3%, n=1). There were no complications such as subdural hemorrhage. All complications occurred in patients < 3 months of age at the time of VP shunt and 80% of complications occurred < 6 months postoperatively. There is no significant relationship between the characteristics of the subject and the incidence of postoperative VP shunt complications using an INA shunt pump.

Conclusion: The complication rate of VP Shunt operation using the INA Shunt pump system is minimal and tolerable. The INA Shunt pump system can be used for VP Shunt surgery in pediatric patients with hydrocephalus and its variations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Hydrocephalus
  • paediatrics
  • VP Shunt
  • INA Shunt
  • complications


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