Comparison between Airfoil NACA-6712 Profiled and Ordinary Blade in Cross-flow Turbine by Numerical Simulation

Warjito, Ahmad Indra Siswantara, D. Adanta, A.P. Prakoso, R. Dianofitra

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Isolated rural area makes on-grid electrification development becomes expensive and inefficient. For rural area with quite torrential river flow, it is recommended to build runof-river pico-hydro power plant for their mini-grid power system to produce enough electricity for small village with low investment cost. Cross-flow Banki turbine is well known for its simplicity of shape, design, and construction. Thus, the construction cost of this type of turbine is very low rather than another turbine like propeller and Pelton. Moreover, it also makes cross-flow Banki turbine easier to maintain, moreover this turbine has self-cleaning ability. Furthermore, cross-flow Banki turbine is well known for its independent efficiency from fluctuation of water discharge. Beside of many advantage on this turbine, cross-flow Banki turbine efficiency is relatively lower than another turbine. The drag force usually present when water flowing around immerse body, like turbine blade because of eddy formation. This force usually reduces the turbine efficiency. Airfoil profiles are proven to reduce eddy formation in water flow around immerse body like turbine blade then increase some turbine efficiency. This study aim to investigate the effect of NACA airfoil in blade profile to the cross-flow turbine efficiency. NACA-6712 airfoil profile was chosen because it has bigger lift coefficient than others. In this study, the turbine with NACA-6712 airfoil profiled blade cross-flow turbine has been compared with ordinary one by using CFD simulation. This study use 2.7 m head and 0.04 m3 /s of water discharge. ANSYS FLUENT 17 with k-epsilon turbulence model is used in this study. As a result, CFD simulation found that maximum efficiency of ordinary blades turbine is 77.6% with number of blades 45. While, the maximum efficiency of NACA turbine is 74.9% with 50 blades. From the results, it can be obtained that the ordinary turbine is better than NACA turbine
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventThe 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR 2017) - ID, Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2018 → …


ConferenceThe 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR 2017)
Period1/01/18 → …


  • Rural Area, Power Plant, Pico-Hydro, Turbine, Cross-flow, Airfoil.


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