Commodification of Journalists Amidst Print and Online Media Competition: Case Study of Koran Tempo's Automotive Journalist

Rachma Tri Widuri, Eriyanto

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This article discusses the commodification of newspaper journalists in the form of exploitation of their work. Additional work for print journalists began to bloom since the trend of print media has declined steadily in line with the tight competition with digital media. Researchers have attempted to explain that as the print media industry declines, media industries make their workers-in this case journalists-as objects of commodification. Based on Marxian Political Economy's view, labor commodifi- cationtakes place in the exploitative social relations between capital owners labor. The commodification experienced by journalists in this research is done through the exploitation of time, energy, work ability, and also financial exploitation. The study was conducted by a single case study method, and the object of research was automotive journalist of Koran Tempo in 2016. The research object was chosen with consideration that Koran Tempo published automotive rubric regularly once a week; running a convergence system; are not affiliated with any political party, and include to the group of print media that has decreased revenue from advertising and circulation / sales, amidst competition with online media. This study found that there is indeed commodification of journalist in Koran Tempo, especially for automotive journalists. The commodification,for example, held throughlobbyto the acquisition of an advertisiment contract, and the swapof reportage into ads. And, those activities take places in exploitative conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event1st Indonesia International Graduate Conference on Communication (IGCC) 2017 - ID, Depok, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2017 → …


Conference1st Indonesia International Graduate Conference on Communication (IGCC) 2017
Period1/01/17 → …


  • automotive, commodification, exploitation, journalist, print media


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