Closed system paravertebral abscess evacuation on spinal infection: A case series

Ahmad Jabir Rahyussalim, Andi Rama Sulaiman, Aryo Winartomo, Muslich Idris Al Mashur, Mochammad Kamal Nasser, Trie Kurniawati

Research output: Contribution to journalShort surveypeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Introduction: Paravertebral abscess is a common complication of spondylitis tuberculosis which has high prevalence in Indonesia. Surgical intervention such as open surgery or endoscopic debridement is needed to remove and drainage the abscess in addition to chemotherapy. However, this surgeries have several complications such as soft tissue damage and abscess contamination to the healthy tissue. We reported closed system strategy to evacuate the paravertebral abscess on spinal infection. Methods: The technique is performed by orthopaedic team under guidance of the C-Arm and ultrasound sonography (USG) in March–June 202. The needle which connected to 20 cc syringe is inserted into the lesion to aspirate the abscess. After evacuation of the abscess, 2-g broad spectrum antibiotic is injected through the needle to eradicate the bacteria locally. Results: We performed the closed system paravertebral abscess evacuation in three patients, a 30-year-old male, 43-year-old male, and 22-year-old female. All the patients had back pain and limitation spine movement due to pain and were diagnosed with spondylitis and paravertebral abscess based on the plain radiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It reported that up to 2000 cc abscess can be evacuated with this micro invasive technique. Conclusion: The closed system is a micro-invasive procedure result in minimal soft tissue injury and faster recovery. It succesfully remove paravertebral abscess followed by direct antibiotic eradication on spinal infection.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107941
JournalInternational Journal of Surgery Case Reports
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


  • Case series
  • Closed system
  • Paravertebral abscess
  • Posas abscess
  • Spondylitis
  • Tuberculosis


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