Clinical Study of Piper Retrofractum Vahl. (Javanese Long Pepper) Extracts as an Androgenic Phytopharmaca in Male Hypogonadism

Nukman Helwi Moeloek, Silvia Werdhy Lestari, Yurnadi, Bambang Wahjoedi

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It has been known already that exogenous androgen could increase blood testosterone level and decrease FSH and LH production in hypogonadism. One of natural androgen is Piper Retrofractum Vahl (javanese long pepper). However, it has not been known yet that its extract could increase fertility in hypogonadism. It needs a further study to know androgen (testosterone) effect of javanese long pepper extract in hypogonadism. The hypothesis of this study is javanese long pepper. extract could increase blood testosterone level and decrease FSH and LH production in hypogonadism. This study is using single blind design and male hypogondism as subject. The results are javanese long pepper extract could increase blood testosterone level in 7 from 9 male hypogonadism; in 100 mg/day dosage could not decrease FSH and LH level; did not effect to PSA and body weight; in 100 mg/day dosage could effect as weak androgenic and increase the frequency of coitus in male hypogonadism. The conclusions of this study are javanese long pepper is one source of natural androgen; in 100 mg/day dosage could act as androgenic phytopharmaca, which could increase testosterone blood level and libido safely.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of the Indonesian Medical Association
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2010


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