“Circular Road” as Good Enough Way: Learning from Indonesia in Protection of Overseas Migrant Workers in the Area of Origin

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This paper examines the pre-placement governance of Indonesia Overseas Migrant Workers (OMW). The pre-placement is one part of the deployment placement cycle. The other part is placement and post-placement. In pre-placement, village is the first government institution that process them. Ideally, the government manages these migrations so that they are protected and successful. Nevertheless, the village cannot prevent OMW candidates from departing abroad without through government procedures. There is a way between ideal and not good, it is good enough way. Overseas Migrant Workers originate from Cianjur, one of the regencies in West Java Province, Indonesia. Most of them are married women and work as domestic helpers in families in Middle Eastern countries, especially Saudi Arabia. Their motivation for working abroad is to have a better life. This study is a qualitative research. Informant interview results is primary data complemented observation and utilization of related documents. Finally, this paper shows circular road for protecting migrant worker and their family. Keyword: overseas migrant workers, governance, good enough governance, Indonesia
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences (IJMAS)
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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