Characteristics of Vibration Propagation on Passenger Car Monocoque Body Structure at Static Small Turbocharged Diesel Engine Speed Variation

Muhammad Rabbani Reksoprodjo, Wahyu Nirbito

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The use of diesel engines in small passenger cars began to be common by vehicle manufacturers. The direct contact with humans with all the consecquencies is one of the important things to be considered in the vehicle design aspect of vibration. This research of the vibration propagation characteristics on passenger car structure has been done. Eventhough is not so many been done, especially on monocoque body structures types, in the world of the automotive industry, This research was conducted by tracking the measuring point which is considered to have a relatively large vibration response compared to other points on the body. Retrieval of vibration data in the form of RMS velocity amplitudes and of the frequency spectrum data at the measuring point. The RMS velocity amplitude data is obtained and then refered to the IRD Severity Chart vibration standard to determine the vibration severity level, as well as the transfer path analysis is performed to determine the vibration reduction that occurs in the vehicle structure. Spectrum analysis is also carried out to see what excitations that provide vibrational responses to the vehicle body structure. From the measurement and analysis results, the characteristics of vibration propagation on the monocoque body structure are determined, which the vibration response of the monocoque body structure as a whole can be concluded.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012005
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Apr 2020
Event4th International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, ICMAA 2020 - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 26 Feb 202029 Feb 2020


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