Change from Armed Movement to Political Party: Comparative Study of the Aceh-Indonesia Party & the Sinn Fein Party-Northern Ireland for the 2009-2022 Period

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This research aims to look at the development of local parties after the conflict by comparing theAceh Party in Indonesia and the Sinn Fein Party in Northern Ireland. The researcher will explainthrough descriptions various aspects of the development of the two parties after the peaceagreement. The method used in this research is comparative. This comparison is adapted to thetheory of Sigmund Neumann and the factors that played a role in the Aceh Party winning theelections in the 2009-2019 period and the Sinn Fein Party winning the elections in the 2007-2022 period. The results of this research are that during the post-conflict democratic transitionin Aceh, political parties tend to implement patronage patterns in terms of maximizing the functioning of party machines to achieve political goals. As for the Sinn Fein party in postconflict politics Sinn Féin quickly established itself as the largest party in the opposing bloc atthe expense of the more moderate UUP and SDLP. Despite the similarities and differences between the Aceh Party and the Sinn Feinn Party as well as differences in the optimization ofthe internal aspects being compared and differences in external aspects surrounding them, thefact is that there is a gap in the vote acquisition of the Aceh Party and the Sinn Feinn Party inseveral elections he participated in. The Aceh Party experienced a decline in its vote share fromelection to election, raising concerns that the party may no longer be a significant political forcein Aceh. Meanwhile, the Sinn Fein Party managed to maintain and even increase their vote shareover time, scoring victories in key elections in Northern Ireland.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Aceh Party
  • Sinn Fein Party
  • Comparative Studies


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