Cervical elongation caused by big cervical fibroid resembling malignant cervical prolapse? Management via vaginal surgery

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Introduction: Cervical elongation could lead to cervical elongation thus worsen the descent of uterine prolapse. In certain cases, this hypertrophic and hyperplastic mass could have fragile surface with some bleeding and necrotic, resembling cervical cancer. As case of cervical elongation due to cervical fibroid is quite rare, such cases are valuable to be reported. We present two cases of cervical fibroid with cervical elongation resembling cervical malignancy. Presentation of case: First case was A 59-year-old lady with intractable vaginal mass since one day before admission. Bleeding from the mass was positive. We found a bulky vaginal mass exceeding hymenal ring, 14 × 7 × 6 cm sized, with some necrotic and discharge, foul smelling, and some bleeding area. Ultrasound evaluation revealed a cervical fibroid with differential diagnosis cervical malignancy. The second case was Mrs 53-year-old with vaginal mass since last year. For the last 7 months the mass has been bigger and could not be inserted into vagina, with some bleeding. We found globular vaginal mass 12 × 9 × 6 cm exceeding hymenal ring, with some necrotic and reddish surface, foul smelling, discharge, and some blood. Ultrasound evaluation revealed cervical mass on anterior lip with elongated cervices. Both cases have been menopaused. As the clinical presentation resembling malignancy, we did biopsy. The biopsy results were no evidence of malignancy, then we did Manchester fothergill, and colporaphy as needed. Discussion: Length between internal to external cervical ostium ≥ 5 cm correlated to cervical elongation. Growing cervical mass could drag the cervix, predisposing to cervical elongation and prolapse. Cervical fibroids protruded through vagina was usually pedunculated. But in our cases, the fibroids were not pedunculated but manifested as a bulky mass on the cervical tissue with some bleeding and necrotics, mimicking cervical malignancy. The most important initial management besides ultrasound evaluation was mass biopsy. Conclusion: In such cervical fibroids with cervical elongation resembling cervical malignancy, biopsy is compulsory to determine the diagnosis and to lead the management.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105847
JournalInternational Journal of Surgery Case Reports
Publication statusPublished - May 2021


  • Cervical cancer
  • Cervical elongation
  • Fibroids
  • Manchester


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