Case series: Interdigitating “Y” flap for transverse vaginal septum management

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Introduction: Transverse vaginal septum found in 1/2100 dan 1/72.000 women. The classical management for transvers vaginal septum was septum excision, with risk for vaginal narrowing and vagina shortening after surgery. We reported four cases underwent interdigitating “Y” flap with no vaginal narrowing or shortening after procedure as alternative surgical technique for better result. Presentation of case: The transverse vaginal septums were right behind hymen to 5 cm proximal from hymen (low to mid location). The post-operative evaluation up to eleven months after surgery found no vaginal narrowing or vaginal shortening. A Case with haematosalphing was re-evaluated one month after surgery and found that the haematosalphing has been resolved and no recurrency on 10 months after surgery. Another case with bigger haematosalphing underwent laparotomy salphingostomy concomitantly with “Y” flap procedure and on 11 months evaluation found no recurrent haematosalphing. Discussion: As the septum was relatively thick and composed of 2 embryonic origins, dividing them into distal flaps and proximal flaps was possible. Interdigitating “Y” flap technique offer better preservation in vaginal length and less constricture as the technique spread the tissue tension evenly. Cases with haematosalphings implies that adequate drainage through vagina help evacuate the haematosalphing and prevent recurrency. However longer-term evaluation shall be performed. Conclusion: Interdigitating “Y” Flap offers satisfying outcome besides short hospital stay (less intra operative bleeding, no need for postoperative vaginal dilatation, preserved vaginal length and vaginal caliber).

Original languageEnglish
Article number107601
JournalInternational Journal of Surgery Case Reports
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


  • Interdigitating
  • Vaginal reconstruction
  • Vaginal septum
  • Y flap
  • Y Plasty


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