Car following model on Motorway Weaving Section

Andyka Kusuma, Ronghui Liu, Charisma Choudhury

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This paper focuses on the understanding of the acceleration driving behaviour in motorway weaving sections. An analysis of detailed trajectory data collected from moderately congested traffic flow of a typical weaving section in the M1 motorway, UK (J 42-43). The proposed acceleration model allows the car-following behaviour (acceleration.deceleration) corresponds with both stimulus (positive/negative relative speed). The model is conditional on gap threshold and reaction time distributions (probabilistic model) capturing the heterogeneity across drivers. Most of traffic response differently from the stimulus conditions where 43.5% falls in deceleration with positive relative speed. All the parameters in each model are estimated jointly using maximum Likelihood Estimation technique and revral significant differences.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2408-2427
JournalJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


  • Acceleration Behaviour
  • Weaving Sections
  • Sensitivity
  • Gap Threshold
  • Reaction Time


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